As a crochet artist, I love to look around the web for patterns and fun crochet ideas. With Easter around the corner, my attention has targeted anything bunny related. Their long ears, cute nose, and cotton ball tails make them one of the most adorable animals to create. Among the bunny patterns I found, the Red Heart Bunny Garland from is on my "To-Try" list. The adorable bunny tails and ears will make for the cutest decor ever. Which is why...I am making them!
The following steps come from the pattern I found here. I did make a change or two to the original pattern. I will state where I make changes from the original pattern in the steps below. These changes are not a requirement, the original pattern makes an adorable bunny garland. I simply made changes because I have other stitches I prefer to the ones mentioned.
To make this bunny garland I used a Size 5 crochet hook (F), and pink Red Heart worsted weight 4 yarn.
Step 1: This is the start of the bunny body.
{Round 1} I created a magic ring and crocheted 8 single stitches inside the ring. I then slip stitched into the first stitch. This made a base for the soon to be fluffy fur of the bunny's butt.
Step 1 |
Step 2: The original pattern calls for a sc puff, however, I personally like the popcorn stitch. So I changed the sc puff to the popcorn stitch. To make the popcorn stitch
- Yarn over
- Insert your hook into the indicated stitch
- Yarn over and pull up the loop
- Pull your hook through two loops
- Yarn over
- Insert your hook into the same indicated stitch
- Yarn over and pull up the loop
- Pull your hook through two loops
- Repeat steps 5-8 two more times
- Yarn over and pull your hook through all the loops
{Round 2} - I chained 2 and made a popcorn stitch in the stitch I made a slip stitch in. I then chained 2 and made a popcorn stitch in the next stitch followed by another chain 2. This repeats around until all 8 stitches are done. I then slip stitched into the first popcorn stitch At this point I had 8 popcorn stitches and 8 ch2 spaces.
Step 2 |
Step 3: This step is almost exactly like Step 2.
{Round 3} Ch2, popcorn stitch, in the same stitch, ch2, *popcorn stitch in the next ch2 space, ch2, popcorn stitch in the Round 2 popcorn stitch, ch2* This was repeated until I had 16 popcorn stitches and 16 ch2 spaces. I then slip stitched to the first popcorn stitch
Step 3 |
Step 4 was pretty simple because it was a single stitch around to finish the bunny's butt.
{Round 4} Ch1, single stitch in all popcorn stitches and 2 single stitches in all ch2 spaces. I had 48 stitches at the end of round 4. I then slip stitched to the first single stitch. This actually completed the fluffy bunny butt. Isn't it cute!?!?!
Step 4 |
Step 5: This is where I started the head.
{Round 5) Ch1, Sc in the same stitch and the next 8 stitches.
Tip: Make sure the fluffy butt part is facing you when you stitch the 9 stitches. I didn't do that and I had to undo 3 rounds and restart the head. Woops.
Step 5 |
Step 6: This step is almost the same as Step 5 except all stitches are Half Double Crochet (hdc).
{Round 6} I started with a chain 2, which will count as a hdc for the next step., I then hdc in the first stitch and the other 8 stitches. I had 10 hdc at the end of this step.
Step 7: This step was fun to complete because I had to crochet a bit different than I normally do. This step is crochet on the bars of the previous round. I call the stitch a Bhdc. A Bhdc is made like so
- Yarn Over
- Take your hook and push it through to the right of the bar of the previous row, go under the bar, and come up to the left of the bar
- Yarn over and pull a loop up
- yarn over and slide your hook through all of the loops
{Round 7) To complete Round 7 I chained 1 and then Bhdc across to make 10 Bhdc stitches
Step 7 |
Step 8: This step completes the head by making it curve in on either side.
{Round 8}I chained 1 and turned. I then skipped the first stitch and sing stitched into the next two stitches. I then stitched two stitches together, single stitched into the next 3 stitches and stitched the last two stitches together. At this point I had 7 stitches across and the head was completed!
Step 9: This is where I started the ears! Below are the steps I took to finish the first ear.
{Round 9 A} Ch 1 and turn, skip the first stitch and sc in the next two stitches
{Round 10 A} Ch1 and turn, sc in the first stitch, 2 sc in the next stitch. This will make it 3 stitches across
{Round 11-14 A} ch 1 turn and sc across
{Round 15 A} Ch1 and turn, skip the first stitch, make 3 hdc in the next stitch, slip stitch in the last stitch. Fasten Off
Step 9 |
Step 10: This step had me make the second ear! To start the second ear, I skipped a stitch next to the first ear on the base of the head and attached yarn to the second stitch using a slip stitch. Below are the steps I took to finish the second ear.
{Round 9 B} Ch 1 and sc in the same stitch and in the next stitch
{Round 10 B} Ch1 and turn, 2 sc in the first stitch, sc in the next stitch. This will make it 3 stitches across
{Round 11-14 B} ch 1 turn and sc across
{Round 15 B} Ch1 and turn, skip the first stitch, make 3 hdc in the next stitch, slip stitch in the last stitch. Fasten Off
Step 10 |
Step 11: This step will finish off the bunny body.
{Round 16} With the bunny butt facing me, I attached my yarn to the corner where the head meets the body on the right side of the bunny. I then slip stitched along the stitches going up the head, around the ears, and back down the head. Then I fastened off and sewed in every free yarn tail.
Step 12: The final step allowed me to add the fluffy tail! I made my tail by making a pomple and sewing it to the bunny's butt. However, if anyone needs to, they can always purchase a puff ball at the nearest craft store. Either way, the bunny is finally completed!
Step 12: Bunny is complete! |
To make the garland several of these have to be made, attached to a string and hung. At this point I have another 11 to make. Perhaps I will display this at our Easter event April 16, 2022 at the Silver Lake Mall. Can I make enough in time? We shall see.. hahahaha
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